A lot of new forex traders struggle with plenty of obstacles which they need to learn and master before moving to the next phase of trading. One of the most common overlooked hurdles to their success as a forex trader is their own mindset. Countless new forex traders ignore or fail to realize that the number one thing they need to perfect is their mindset.
In the end you trade your personality and you trade against yourself and nobody else. There have been plenty of misleading marketing campaigns by countless outlets which have contributed to the explosion of popularity of forex trading and at the same time misinformed most new entrants which is partially a reason for the high failure rate.
You need to first understand what forex is and what forex is not before you move on to learn how to trade. Without knowing what you are trying to learn you are sure to fail, so let us take a look at a few things forex is:
- Forex is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world and at the same time the
fastest growing segment of the global financial market with roughly $5 trillion of daily turnover
- Forex is a very hard to master, but very rewarding profession which takes time to learn and discipline as well as patience and vast amount of knowledge to master
- Forex, once you have learned how to trade it properly, is a great way to earn money on a consistent and monthly base which may allow you to eventually trade full-time so you can enjoy financial freedom and live a better life
- Forex trading has lower capital requirements than other derivative markets
- Forex trading allows you to trade 24/5 regardless of location
Now that you know a few things about what forex trading is, here are a few things forex trading is not:
- Forex trading is not a get-rich-quick scheme
- Forex trading is not an online business
- Forex trading is not possible with insufficient trading capital
- Forex trading is not easy to learn in a few short days
Make sure you familiarize yourself with what it means to trade forex, what forex trading is and what a forex trader needs to possess before you take the next step and open an account. You need to adjust your mindset in order to be able to prosper from trading forex which is one of the most innovative and lucrative ways to trade and generate income.